Can I Still Convert XP to $JPG?
Yes! While XP earning is currently paused, any previously earned XP remains available for conversion into $JPG.
How to Convert XP to $JPG
To convert XP into $JPG:
Connect your Cardano wallet that you earned your XP with on JPG Store.
View your available XP & total claimable rewards and confirm the conversion rate.
Click "Convert to $JPG" to Initiate the XP-to-$JPG claim transaction.
Sign the Transaction in your Cardano wallet.
We recommend having at least 10 ADA available in the wallet to avoid issues building a transaction. Once the transaction is successfully processed, the $JPG will be sent to your wallet.
(USA / CANADA are not eligible to participate in XP->$JPG conversion or claiming)
Conversion Rates & Availability
The conversion rate is defined by JPG Store at the time of claim.
Users can check their available claimable XP and track past conversions to $JPG in the $JPG converter on JPG Store.
Are There Any Fees for Claiming $JPG?
Yes, a small fee of 1.5 ADA is charged for XP → $JPG conversions. This fee goes to the Sundae Labs team who build the $JPG converter engine.
Network transaction fees (Cardano fees) apply when claiming $JPG.