Inputs exhausted

1 min. readlast update: 05.12.2024

Inputs exhausted could mean a few different things and it's important to understand

Most of the times when you see this, it means you probably don't have enough ADA to cover the transaction. This could be due to locked ADA for the NFT's in your wallet or Collateral taking up a larger portion than expected. 

It could also be that you're using a wallet like Nami which only has one receive address it  knows about, where most other wallets and Cardano tooling track everything by stake address (all of your receive addresses). So if you are using Nami, but restored your wallet from another provider (Eternl, Yoroi, Daedalus), this could be causing your issues as well. 

If you aren't able to determine what is causing the issue, please open a support ticket in our discord.

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