Common Questions & Answers

2 min. readlast update: 05.01.2024

Is JPG Studio in control of the IPFS images?

When you upload your collection to IPFS, the Studio will modify the .nsb file and save the link of each asset to its associated NFT. We don't do anything else in relation to the IPFS link, it is only used to display the image.


Are there any fees associated with using JPG Studio?

No, JPG Studio is free to use. However, there is a fee for using our minting platform:

  • Mint Cost: 5% + 1 ADA + ~0.2 ADA network fee per NFT (fee gets paid each time new nft is minted)


What chain does JPG Studio support?

Currently, JPG Studio is available for the Cardano blockchain. We may add support for other blockchains in future.


Why is the application stuck while uploading to IPFS?

If this happens, please open a support ticket so we can investigate. However, this usually means your storage for your account has been reached,

You will most likely have to upgrade your plan on the IPFS provider's website.


Do I need to export the metadata generated from JPG Studio?

No, you would not need to export your metadata file as the metadata will automatically sync to the Collection Creation you set up on


What does the .nsb file contain?

The .nsb file contains the information of each NFT in your collection (the traits) and the IPFS link of the images. This file is used to generate the metadata for your collection.


Can I view the .nsb file with the metadata?

This is not currently possible - please see here.


Does JPG Studio create a new .nsb file every time I hit generate?

Yes, whenever you generate a collection it creates a new .nsb file with the current rules (limits, percentages, avoid/forces). If you want to continue working on a collection generated before, you can "import" the .nsb file. 


Any time you add new metadata, does it replace the old?

Yes, any time you generate new metadata it will replace the old. It’s always a good decision to save these before generating new ones so you can “import” the old one if need be.



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