What are Bundles?

1 min. readlast update: 01.28.2024


Bundles are multiple assets from the same collection, being sold together as a "package". 
When you wish to sell or buy various NFTs in bulk, this may be your easiest option!

Creating a Bundle

undefinedTo create a bundle, click on "New Bundle" from the profile > My NFTs tab, as shown above.

Then click on the collection you want to create the bundle for. This will display only assets from that collection for you to select which you want to add to the bundle.

After you have chosen the assets, click on "Create Bundle". You will set the price that you will sell the entire bundle of assets for. Sign your wallet to finish and confirm the listing.



NOTE: Recently we made a change to Bundles and how we display them. You can still find bundles, but they no longer have a tab on the collection page. If you click on the filter button, you can see "Bundled" as an option. You can also filter for particular traits this way! 




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