How long does verification take?

1 min. readlast update: 12.27.2023

We aim to get all projects up in a timely manner. However, some factors may affect verification time.

  • Allow up to 48-72 hours for your request to be reviewed
  • Mint date: We aim to get all projects up by their mint date. If you submitted a project that is launching several weeks or months into the future, we will review your submission closer to the launch date. If it is been over 48 hours before the JPG Listing Twitter has still not gotten back to you, please reach out to our Discord channel #support-ticket, and one of our team members will assist you.
  • Invalid information: If the form is filled out improperly (ex. missing the correct policy ID, collection name, and profile picture), we may have difficulties completing your request.
  • Missing contact information: We may need to reach out to you to confirm some information. If we are unable to contact you, we may not be able to complete the verification. We will generally reach out on Discord or Twitter - so please ensure you have DMs enabled. 
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